Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Although The Sports Bank.net is a sports based website, news of Osama Bin Laden being killed transcends sports and all subcategories of media.
This day— May 1st, 2011—will be momentous in our Nation’s history as the day Osama Bin Laden was killed by CIA operatives and Navy Seals. I’ll let you read the New York Times, CNN, and the Huffington Post to fill you in on the details of the mission that took place in the Middle-Eastern country of Pakistan.
I’m here to look at what Bin Laden’s death means for the nation of people within our borders.
Over recent months the gimmick that has been the search for a Republican 2012 Presidential Election nominee has begun to grow old.
Asinine candidates such as billionaire and first-class gutless prick Donald Trump have thrown their name into the ring that is the battle for GOP nomination.
Botox enthusiast Michele Bachmann, extra-marital affairs enthusiast (and a man who left his wife while she was stricken for cancer) Newt Gingrich, and many others have teed off on current President Barack Obama for what they feel is an inadequate job of fulfilling promises he ran on in 2008.
It doesn’t take a Political Science professor to understand that Obama obviously had his hands tied up in Bin Laden related intelligence the past few months.
While I personally feel that before news of Bin Laden’s death, Obama was still in line to win in 2012, because, well, the Republican candidates at this point are a bunch of talentless ass clowns. But tonight may have locked up 2012 in favor of Obama and the Democrats.
But what does that mean for our nation?
To date the Tea Party has been pushing for more cuts in spending than a coupon hoarder on “Hoarders.”
As a result, labor unions, President Obama’s health care reform, and social programs such as Planned Parenthood have been three of the main targets on the conservative chopping block.
But like you learn in 7th grade US History, the President has the power to veto any bill passed by the legislature. Which is where the importance of Bin Laden’s death kicks in.
If in fact Bin Laden was not killed on May 1st, then there was a significant chance that Obama may not have the record—or at least the perceived record by the conservatives—to win in 2012.
Which means that a Republican President could allow potential bills that would cut the knees out of social programs to pass, and turn into law. Which would affect millions of people in our nation.
May 1st was a victory for the United States as a whole, regardless of where you sit politically. And while many are upset at the potential politicizing of this event, the fact of the matter is that Barack Obama will square off with the Republican nominee in the Presidential debates in the not-so-distant future.
The killing of Osama Bin Laden under President Obama’s watch will only aid in his attempt at reelection. And that point cannot be argued.
Today, the American people are the real winners. The leader of Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, has been killed by the United States armed forces. And I would like to extend my thanks to all the men and women that made this possible and have served our country.
But down the road, the winners may be the family that is poverty-stricken and can’t afford health care. The students whose class sizes will allow for actual learning to take place in the classroom as their teachers became able to keep their negotiating rights to fight for what is best for their students. And the people who will receive information on the risks of being sexually active and proper ways of contraception because social programs like Planned Parenthood were not cut.
Those are just a few of the examples.
The 2012 Presidential Election is still a ways away, and a lot can happen in the mean time. But President Barack Obama giving the “go” to act on intelligence given to him on Osama Bin Laden may end up being the decisive action that re-elects him in the November of 2012.
Right now the winners are Americans and those that fight for freedom. But down the road– ten, twenty, fifty years– the winners may be the people who benefit the most from support of the social welfare of ALL in our nation.
-Brett Cloutier
Brett is a contributor to The Sports Bank as beat writer for The Minnesota Timberwolves and Minnesota Gopher Hockey. He is a co-host of “The Backdoor Cut,” a Minneapolis based sports and pop culture radio show. You can also follow Brett on Twitter @brettcloutier