Disc Golf involves throwing a specific kind of disc, also known as a Frisbee, at a target commonly known as a disc golf basket. Started in the 1970s, the sport is quite similar to traditional golf. One of the trickiest aspects of the game is quite literally throwing the disc straight. It is very critical for a player to make a long and straight shot to ace this sport.
If you haven’t mastered the skill of how to properly throw a disc goal, then fret not. In this blog, we will touch all the bases, from discussing the types of throws to the best practices for a throw straight.
What is Disc Golf?
The term “Disc Golf” might sound new to many, but when you rephrase the word disc with the frisbee, you will realize that this game is very common for beach activities. Add a few rules from the book, and the game has become a sport, hence the name disc golf.
If you love outdoor activities and still haven’t discovered this sport, this will be one of your favorites. The rule book is pretty straightforward. A player has to complete the hole starting from the tee area, and whoever lands their disc in the basket in the fewest throws wins. To make the game challenging, there can also be trees and other obstacles in the way, making the Disc Golf experience nothing less than traditional golf.
Disc Golf is equally appreciated by both males and females. There is no age limit from school-going kids to senior citizens and specially-abled persons; everyone can participate. That’s why it is known as one of the easiest sports to learn that exists in the dictionary. Disc Golf events are held across the USA; you can find many free as well as paid events to make your weekends exciting.
Why is Throwing Straight Important in Disc Golf?
Throwing straight is one of the trickiest parts of Disc Golf. Mastering this shot can be challenging, but once you decode it, you will realize how strategically important this throw is for your game.
Here are a few benefits of throwing straight in Disc Golf:
- Accuracy – To reduce the chances of the disc hitting any obstacle, it is very important to throw it straight. If a thrower wants to get an accurate shot directly into the target, then executing straight shots is the best practice.
- Consistency – By constantly throwing straight, a player can develop muscle memory and enhance overall performance. It helps in reducing the error and helps in building confidence in the thrower.
- Control – Straight throws help in controlling the angles and speed of the disc, which provides better control over the throw. It makes it easier for the player to make adjustments according to the desired flight.
- Distance – Last but not least, you can cover the maximum distance with a straight throw. If the disc is wavy or curvy during the flight, it will lose momentum and cover less distance.
Types of Disc Golf Throws
It isn’t compulsory for everyone who enjoys Disc Golf to be an expert in different types of throws. But if you want to be a master in any sport, you must know the skills that make you different. In Disc Golf, your throw determines your expertise in this field.
There are different types of throws in Disc Golf to practice:
Backhand Throw
This is the most common throw used in disc golf, where the player throws the disc with their backhand like a frisbee throw. In this throw, the hand goes to the backside of the opposite side body, and the thrower releases the grip away from the body.
Forehand Throw
Unlike the first one, in the forehand throw, the arm goes to the same side and then moves in a sidearm motion. That’s why this throw is also known as Sidearm Throw. The forehand throw is often used for shots that require a right-to-left fade or when the player needs to get around an obstacle.
Hyzer Throw
In simple words, if the top of the disc is facing away from the throwers and the angle of the flight turns to the left, this is known as a Hyzer Throw. These types of throws are best to dodge the hurdles in the field. If you throw from an extreme angle and it remains the same angle throughout the flight, then it is known as Spike Hyzer.
Anhyzer Throw
Contrary to the Hyzers, if the top of the disc is facing toward the throwers and the angle of flight turns right for the right-handed backhand thrower, then it is called Anhyzer Throw. For a perfect Anhyzer throw, you need to do a lot of practice to ensure that the disc you are using is the best fit for this type of throw.
A player will frequently employ this short-range throw while they are near the basket. The putt is used to finish the hole by lanidng the disc in the basket. However, experienced players used the putters from longer distances as well. If you use this throw from a smaller distance, you must be extremely careful and accurate.
Tips for throwing a disc straight
To improve your straight throw, choosing the right disc and executing the throw with the right technique is very important. Here are a few disc golf throwing tips which will help you to master the straight throw:
Disc Choice
You should never go with an overstable disc, as it will be difficult to achieve accuracy with them. Practice with a less stable disc; no doubt it will be challenging to get the accuracy in the starter, but with time you will get a hold of it. You can use an understable disc and use the hyzer technique to get a straight throw. Another option is to choose the stable disc but go with a flat throw to cover the significant distance.
Grip and Stance
Your grip on the disc also plays an important role in the throw. Find the right angle that isn’t too harsh for the throw, and keep your wrist open enough for a smooth flow. To throw a disc further and straighter, make sure to find the right balance between the grip and the time of release.
Release Point
Another important thing to consider is your position while throwing. Different types of throws have different release points, which is crucial to decode. Refrain from releasing the disc in haste. Take your time and focus on the target. It is very important to throw through your target because sometimes we release too early, and the throw fades out in the end, which reduces the distance.
Practice and Repetition
If you want precision and accuracy in your throw, then keep practicing. Start practicing from the putters, then try your hand at more difficult discs. Consistency only comes with constant practice, and if you really want to ace the straight throw, then practice as much as you can.
Disc Golf is a fun sport that requires accuracy, skills, and strategy. It is not hard to learn, but if you want to master the skill of throwing, then practice is the key. There could be many possible reasons for you to mess up a straight throw, including the wrong grip and the false technique. However, a focused mindset can help achieve a straight throw at Disc Golf.