Interim Penn State Head Coach Tom Bradley told the media at his postgame press conference: “This win isn’t about me; it’s about the players and this team. I don’t think any team in the history of college football has been through so much in such a time period and to hang in there and fight their way through it is great." And to some extent he has a point, the players are … [Read more...] about Penn State Beats Ohio State in “Scandal Bowl;” Tom Bradley’s 1st W
tom bradley interim penn st coach
#12 Penn State Nittany Lions #19 Nebraska Cornhuskers: Brutally Honest Game Preview
Penn State news that actually focuses on college football? Hhmm, yeah, we'll try. It's hard to think about football when you have a campus in mutiny due to the firing of one of the game's biggest icons. And that firing was justified because of the university's looking the other way while a defensive coordinator raped children. It's also harder to preview this game when … [Read more...] about #12 Penn State Nittany Lions #19 Nebraska Cornhuskers: Brutally Honest Game Preview
Penn State Places Coach Mike McQueary on Administrative Leave
Heads are rolling at Penn State. Joe Paterno is obviously the most marquee name, as his dismissal caused demonstrating and rioting. The Athletic Director, V.P. of Finance and University President are gone too. Yet Mike McQueary, the current wide receivers coach and then graduate assistant who actually witnessed one of the alleged anal rapes, is allowed to stay? (BREAKING … [Read more...] about Penn State Places Coach Mike McQueary on Administrative Leave
Why Isn’t the Big Ten Network Covering the Penn State Situation?
Last night, as the Penn State board of trustees met to discuss the firing of Joe Paterno, and a press conference with a trustee was broadcast live, ESPN and CNN covered the event. When PSU students took the streets and some even flipped over a television news van, both cable networks had cameras rolling and talking heads squawking. At the same time, Chicago-based BTN, which … [Read more...] about Why Isn’t the Big Ten Network Covering the Penn State Situation?
JOE PATERNO FIRED! Tom Bradley Named Penn St Interim Coach
The Penn State University board of trustees had an emergency meeting tonight and decided to dismiss Joe Paterno as head college football coach at Penn State University. I'm sure you know why. So it appears he will not go out at the end of the season, as he preferred to do. Defensive Coordinator Tom Bradley has been promoted to interim head coach; and he will lead … [Read more...] about JOE PATERNO FIRED! Tom Bradley Named Penn St Interim Coach