Ayn Rand once said, “Indifference, not hatred is the opposite of love.” Remember that quote the next time you voice hatred for your rival team. Red Sox fans hate the Yankees, but they desperately need the Yankees in the same way the Jedi needed the Sith. Rivalry unifies and defines. And it starts early. In a Boston sports memorabilia shop, I once overheard two seven-year … [Read more...] about What does and doesn’t make a rivalry
Rivalry weekend
Lohse! Wells! It’s Cubs-Cards, on WGN!
By Paul Schmidt and Jake McCormick Nothing fires me up like a series revival between true rivals. While Cubs-Sox always dominates Chicago headlines, true Cubs fans know that their real arch rival is, in fact, an Arch rival. Get it? See what I did there? The rival is the St. Louis Cardinals, and they have an Arch there! It’s funny! Laugh, dammit, laugh!!! Ahem…anyway, … [Read more...] about Lohse! Wells! It’s Cubs-Cards, on WGN!