Thanks for the memories Peyton Manning. Although we know you’re not really going way, as we’ll see you in every other commercial on television. Manning is to the NFL what comedian Craig Robinson is to entertainment; they’ll shill anything and their ads run incessantly. Of course, don’t hate the player; hate the game.
I’d take those nice fat paychecks too. In terms of actually watching Peyton Manning play football though, it appears we’re nearing the end. What a great journey it has been.
Every time you set foot in Lucas Oil Stadium, remember, it’s the House that Peyton Manning built.
FOX’s Jay Glazer reports on the future of Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning:
“Peyton Manning is dealing with two injuries. He has an injury in the oblique and one on the foot as well. Remember, this is the same guy who played through two torn quads as well. More than anything, it actually came at a very convenient time for the team. Peyton Manning has run one offense for 17 years. All of a sudden, he’s running [head coach] Gary Kubiak’s and, quite frankly, he has just not been effective. So this gives them the opportunity to say, ‘Peyton, sit down and get healthy. We’re going to bring Brock Osweiler in.’ [Osweiler] is a free agent after the year as well.”
We already know Peyton Manning won’t be there next year. Brock Osweiler, they have to see if he’s going to be the future of the team. I will tell you this: If Brock Osweiler plays well today, I do think it’s going to be difficult for Peyton Manning to get back in there. Every time you talk to anybody on that team, going into last night they’re like, ‘we cannot wait to see what this kid can do because Kubiak wants his offense run the right way.’”
Howie Long and Jimmy Johnson respond to Glazer’s report on the future of Peyton Manning.
Johnson: “Unfortunately, we’ve seen the last of Peyton Manning. The only way he sees the field is if Osweiler gets hurt toward the end of the year, they might bring Peyton back.”
Long: “Maybe I’m naïve, but if Peyton gets healthy and they get in the playoffs which they more than likely will, Peyton is going to be the closer. [Osweiler] is the middle reliever.”
I totally agree with Long. We’ll see Peyton Manning in the playoffs, if they get there. Otherwise it’s happy trails for Manning.
Get ready, because there’s going to be a flood “Peyton Manning legacy” op-eds and feature stories in the coming weeks.
It will inundate you.
What about post Peyton Manning life in Denver? Is Brock Osweiler the guy? We covered that in a separate article linked here.
(Also, here’s the CBS Morning Show Analysts on Peyton Manning)
ADAM SCHEIN: I don’t say this with any joy or jubilation – it’s over for Peyton Manning. And it has been over for Peyton Manning. This is Willie Maysstumbling around centerfield at the end of his career. This is Kobe Bryant right now for the Lakers. If you look at it objectively, take the name out of it… (out of) the quarterbacks who started in week one, Peyton Manning has been the worst in the NFL.
LONDON FLETCHER: There’s probably not a person, a former player, who respects and appreciates Peyton Manning more than I do. And I truly wish that he had retired last year. I hate to see him going out like this. To watch the performance that he had against the Kansas City Chiefs, it was saddening. I just don’t want to see Peyton Manning go out like that.
BRANDON TIERNEY: It is hard to juggle iconic status versus really doing what is right for the rest of the roster, which is what Gary Kubiak is paid to do. (Manning) is shot. I don’t think that it ended this year. I think it ended last year. Look at the final five or six games (last year). He was very bad.
Paul M. Banks owns, operates and sometimes writes The Sports, which is partnered with FOX Sports Engage Network. The website is also featured on News Now.
Banks, a former writer for the Washington Times, currently contributes to the Chicago Tribune RedEye. He also appears regularly on numerous television and radio talk shows all across the country. Catch him Tuesdays on KOZN 1620 The Zone.
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