As you watch NFL Draft coverage on ESPN, you’ll notice Jeannine Edwards for sure. Jeannine Edwards does good work, but if you’re intelligent, you’ll forgo ESPN to watch the draft on NFL Network instead.
That way you’ll avoid Chris Berman, who is a pathetic side show/mockery of himself these days. How many ’70s rock references will Chris Berman throw into his broadcast tonight? I guess if you’re in your 50s or 60s, you may find Berman tolerable. Or if you’re under the age of 14, you may find Chris Berman’s schtick amusing.
Back to Jeannine Edwards, she’s best known for an incident where ESPN canned veteran play-by-play announcer Ron Franklin.
Shortly after the calendar flipped from 2010 to 2011 Franklin referred to female colleague Jeannine Edwards as “sweet baby”. She didn’t take too kindly to that, so he followed that up by calling her an asshole.
Well played, dude.
One thing we didn’t hear Franklin call was the Sugar Bowl of college football BCS that year (he was scheduled to call Ohio State vs. Arkansas for the radio network).
According to the Washington Post:
Franklin was yanked off the air by as a result of the run-in with sideline reporter Jeannine Edwards during an off-air encounter.
Franklin apologized for his remarks to Jeannine Edwards, but to no apparent avail.
The incident is the latest in a long string of episodes in which ESPN hosts have demeaned or engaged in sexually harassing behavior toward the Disney-owned network’s female employees.
Follow the link above to get a study guide on a whole semester’s worth of all the poor boundaries, sexual harassment and other assorted sexually charged chicanery that’s gone on at ESPN over the years.
By the way Jeannine Edwards is engaged to Oklahoma State Defensive Coordinator Glenn Spencer.
You can follow Jeannine Edwards on Twitter
Paul M. Banks is the owner of The Sports, an author and regular contributor to MSN, Fox Sports , Chicago Now, and Walter Football.
Banks has appeared on Comcast SportsNet and the History Channel, as well as Clear Channel, ESPN and CBS radio all over the world. President Barack Obama follows him on Twitter (@PaulMBanks)