Some have referred to Jenn Sterger as the victim in the Brett Favre alleged sexting scandal, and to some extent thatโs true. No one wants to be harassed/the recipient of unwanted creepiness, but the real victim here is actually Brett Favreโs wife Deanna. This must be a very difficult time for her as the embarrassment sheโs probably feeling must be beyond belief.
Deanna Favre was interviewed today on “Good Morning America” about a book she co-authored with Shane Stanford titled “The Cure for the Chronic Life,” which is about getting past hard times and patterns of unhealthy behavior.
Deanna has admitted publicly in recent years that sheโs well aware of Favreโs cheating, and once threatened to leave him because of it. (And yes, it made me queasy just now to link out to a Rupert Murdoch owned publication. Iโll need to shower four times today to clean that filth off!)
By Paul M. Banks
Today however, she said publicly that her religious faith and an outward focus are helping her deal with the allegations leveled against her husband.
Deanna Favre’s quote that’s making the media rounds: “I’m handling this through faith.”
And she did not specifically address whether she believes if the allegations against her husband are true or false.
Coincidentally, itโs eerie how much Deanna looks exactly how Jenn Sterger will likely appear in about 10-15 years. It reminds me of that โLostโ episode where we find out how Benjamin Linusโ mother looks EXACTLY like Dr. Juliet Burke.
But if I could be serious for a moment (I know it doesn’t happen often)- if there is one single person whoโs opinion on this situation matters more than anyone else, itโs Deanna Favre, and itโs a bit sad that most of the people covering this story have overlooked this fact.