One of the most colorful members of the Chicago Bulls “Bench Mob” is C.J. Watson. He’s also one of the most colorful and well-known NBA players on Twitter; as his nearly 340,000 followers attests to.
“C.J. knows a lot. He knows a lot of famous people around here. So watch that guy,” Derrick Rose said jokingly after practice.
Pretty solid praise when you consider it comes from the newly crowned MVP.
Here’s some other NBA player Twitter accounts stack up:
Rose was asked how come Watson has more followers than he does?
“That’s what I’m saying, watch C.J. he knows a lot of people,” Rose responded.
Of course that was an inaccurate question as Rose doesn’t even have a Twitter account. There is a Derrick Rose on twitter, in San Diego who describes himself as:
Realtor, former Domestic Violence & Substance Abuse Counselor for jail system, Average everyday Joe, concerned citizen……oh and a MacBook Pro user”
Obviously, that’s not the Derrick Rose.
Derrick Rose doesn’t have an account. He explained why:
“I don’t need Twitter, it’s too much trouble, I don’t like telling people what I’m doing. I just got a Facebook page for my fans and that’s it,” Rose said.
#AttackingTheRim #DrivingTheLane #FunToWatch
Rose got Watson’s attention for this tweet on April 29th:
Congrats to drose on winning the MVP he’s played unbelievable this season!!! now just need tibs to win coach of the yr
He was probably confused about the Bulls/NBA special announcement that followed the next day. It was a secret at the time, and ended up being Thibs’ moment, not Rose’s. But in the end both men got their accolades; the first time in the NBA since 2003 when a Coach (Greg Poppovich) and a player (Tim Duncan) both got the corresponding awards from the same team (San Antonio Spurs).
So if Watson is the king of twitter, who does he follow?
the funniest dude on twitter is @CuffsTheWITNESS by far. he b havin me dyin laughing wit his logic.
Watson tweeted yesterday.
Paul M. Banks is CEO of The Sports Heโs also a regular contributor to Chicago Now, Walter, Yardbarker, and Fox Sports
He does a regular guest spot each week for Chicagoland Sports You can follow him on Twitter @thesportsbank and Facebook