The man colloquially known as Silent Stan, Kroenke Sports and Entertainment patriarch Stan Kroenke, has settled his lawsuit with the city of St. Louis. Kroenke leads KSE, the Missouri based umbrella company which includes Arsenal Football Club, the Los Angeles Rams, the Denver Nuggets, the Colorado Rapids and the Colorado Avalanche amongst its holdings.
As Rams Owner, Kroenke was among those sued by Stl. for breach of contract, fraud, unjust enrichment and other allegations related to their moving out of the city in 2016.
The other defendants in the suit included the National Football League itself, as well as the team owners who enabled and approved the move. The Rams moved from Los Angeles to St. Louis in 1995, but then moved back to L.A. 20 years later, with the Gateway City bringing litigation against the NFL for what they deemed to be a breach of the relocation rules.
It’s rather surprising that a settlement was reached here, because the NFL, at least publicly, didn’t seem to really believe in the legitimacy of the suit. The settlement did not include plans for a new franchise in St. Louis.
The Rams aren’t the first team to move out of the Arch City, as the Cardinals moved from Chicago to St. Louis in 1960, but then moved to Phoenix in 1988. Staying completely on brand, Stan Kroenke, or Silent Stan, has not issued a statement on this development.
Paul M. Banks is the owner/manager of The Bank (TheSportsBank.Net) and author of “Transatlantic Passage: How the English Premier League Redefined Soccer in America,” as well as “No, I Can’t Get You Free Tickets: Lessons Learned From a Life in the Sports Media Industry.”
He has regularly appeared in WGN, Sports Illustrated and the Chicago Tribune, and co-hosts the After Extra Time podcast. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram.