Search engine results convey that web users have a disturbing obsession with Layla Kiffin. I understand that pictures of very attractive women = lots of page views, but the consistent astromoically high Layla Kiffin related search query numbers is still a weird phenomenon.
At least when you consider that she’s not really famous. She hasn’t really done anything; except marry a man who embodies the very definition of “failing upward.”
Yes, Lane Kiffin is to football what George W. Bush was to politics; just keep escalating up the pecking order despite failure at every turn. Layla Kiffin is very attractive, no doubt but again, she hasn’t accomplished anything. So when the search queries blew up yesterday, I had to figure out why. Turns out, the impetus was a brilliant Tosh.O sketch that aired on Comedy Central.
“Kiffin’s Krimson Korner” is a fictional public access television show starring Lane Kiffin and Layla Kiffin. Yes, the three consecutive Ks are obviously intentional, Tosh is attacking The South’s socially regressive record on civil rights.
He’s also sending up the dysfunctionally obsessed with college football priorities that fans in SEC country possess. Given Tosh’s striking resemblance to Lane Kiffin, the bit is truly genius, As you might expect, every call is NSFW. Oh and the actress playing Layla Kiffin is UFC Ring Girl Chrissy Blair.
Paul M. Banks owns, operates and sometimes writes The Sports, which is partnered with FOX Sports Engage Network. The website is also featured on News Now.
Banks, a former writer for the Washington Times, currently contributes to the Chicago Tribune RedEye. He also appears regularly on numerous talk shows all across the country. Catch him Tuesdays on KOZN 1620 The Zone.
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