Legendary actor Gary Oldman won the Academy Award for Best Actor Sunday night for his portrayal of iconic historical figure Sir Winston Churchill. Oldman celebrated his Oscar win for portraying the former British Prime Minister in “The Darkest Hour” while wearing his the shirt of his favorite Manchester United player- Marcus Rashford.
Oldman has a personalized and autographed Rashford kit, and he sported the shirt as he toasted his Oscar night triumph. United’s official Instagram account posted a snap capturing the moment:
The club account captioned the post:
“How to top off a trophy-winning night at the #Oscars? A personalised shirt from your favourite #MUFC player, of course!
Well played @MarcusRashford and congrats on your award, Gary.”
Paul M. Banks runs The Sports Bank.net and TheBank.News, which is partnered with News Now. Banks, a former writer for the Washington Times, NBC Chicago.com and Chicago Tribune.com, currently contributes regularly to WGN CLTV and the Tribune company’s blogging community Chicago Now.
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