These are high times indeed for Manchester United. The Red Devils are currently on top of the Barclay’s Premier League table, and “tied for first place” in their UEFA Champions League grouping. All four teams in Group B have exactly three points, one win, one loss, no draws and a completely even goal differential.
So indeed Manchester United is soaring right now. Both metaphorically and now also literally. Russian cosmonaut Alexey Yakovlev sent his Red Devils flag into space via his friends on the International Space Station.
Yakovlev, who lives in the Chkalovsky region of Moscow, passed the flag on to NASA astronaut Steve Swanson who flew the red, white and black banner while the craft orbited the Earth.
Speaking to Red News fanzine, Yakovlev said: “I decided to send the MUFC flag to bring some space energy to the club.
“I am very proud of what I did because United means a lot to me. We’ve waved our flag up in space – nobody can make it any higher!”.
How Manchester United are top of the table – and top of the world #mufc
— Mirror Football (@MirrorFootball) October 2, 2015
Seeing the Manchester United flag in space is truly awe-inspiring and perhaps one of the more compelling news links that you’ll see on the internet today.
Paul M. Banks owns, operates and sometimes writes The Sports, which is partnered with FOX Sports Engage Network. The website is also featured on News Now.
Banks, a former writer for the Washington Times, currently contributes to the Chicago Tribune RedEye. He also appears regularly on numerous talk shows all across the country. Catch him Tuesdays on KOZN 1620 The Zone.
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